This Report is No Longer Available from Ardent Partners

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”17″ font_font=”Montserrat” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23949494″ width=”556″]There is significant business value hidden in the business-to-business (“B2B”) payments that every enterprise makes each month. Paper-based payments worked fine once upon a time, but just as new technologies have obviated other legacy business processes (the paper invoice, the rolodex, etc.), new ePayment solutions and processes have made it strikingly less economical to pay suppliers with paper checks. Recent developments and innovations in the market, combined with an increased recognition of the emerging business value of ePayments, have pushed enterprises to look at new ways to drive financial value. This latest look at the payments market from Ardent Partners focuses on the emerging value that ePayments provide to accounts payable teams and their enterprises as a whole. It also:
- Presents a comprehensive, industry-wide view into the marketplace
- Captures the experience, performance, and intentions of more than 200 AP leaders
- Provides industry-wide benchmarks and detailed analysis
- Details what the Best-in-Class do differently than everyone else
- Offers recommendations for those AP teams looking to improve
Download the report today![/text_block]

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Andrew Bartolini, Chief Research Officer
Andrew Bartolini is a globally-recognized expert in accounts payable, sourcing, procurement, and supply management. Andrew focuses his research and efforts on helping enterprises develop and execute strategies to achieve operational excellence within their finance and procurement departments. Andrew is also the publisher of 14 , the news and research site for Chief Procurement Officers and other procurement leaders (www.cporising.com).
Matthew Delman, Senior Payables Researcher
In his long and varied career, Matthew Delman has worked as an editor, writer, and/or online marketer for The Eagle-Tribune Newspaper Group, The NASDAQ OMX Group, an investment newsletter, and a research-focused marketing services firm. Over the course of nearly 15 years as an editorial professional, Matthew has had a hand in the development of more than 2 million pages worth of print and online content.