The benefits of automating the AP function have never been in question. The reason for doing so where never more obvious than over the past 16 months. Organizations that had…
Before we get down to serious business, I thought I would start off with a fun fact about Earth Day: Why is Earth Day Celebrated on April 22nd? The April…
Over the past year, the challenges of maintaining business continuity with outdated technology and processes were experienced by far too many organizations. Along with this, the problem of manual processes…
Ardent Partners is pleased to announce that the survey for our annual “State of ePayables” report is now open. If you have 15 minutes to spare today or later this…
This is the last week you will be able to download Ardent Partners’ annual AP-themed eBook, The Accounts Payable Metrics that Matter in 2021. Download the eBook before it’s gone!…
The AP Metrics that Matter in 2021 eBook Ardent Partners is excited to announce the publication of its annual eBook, “Ardent Partners’ AP Metrics that Matter in 2021”, which is…
A decade ago, the idea that an AP operation could be effective and efficient in supporting strategic business objectives while working as a key collaborator with both internal stakeholders and…
Shannon Adler, inspirational author, once said “If you don’t believe the impossible can happen, then you are right.” The AP team faces several key obstacles on the road to achieving…
Warren Buffet, the legendary investor once said “Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” What does this have to do with Accounts…
Accounts payable excellence is founded on the critical, day-to-day components of its operations, processes, and overall program management. As AP departments seek to advance their position and improve performance, it…